Sunday, April 4, 2010

JRN 423 - Final Video Proposal

Maxine Tanner (again)

"No, I'm not well," were the words of 81-year-old Mount Pleasant resident Maxine Tanner when she was being interviewed by Central Michigan Life reporter Randi Schaffer. Tanner relies on her son Andy to take her to the grocery store and doctor appointments. She goes through dialysis on Mondays and Fridays, followed by her Bridge game on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which she finds her own ride to.

“Life is very interesting, I will have to admit that. Every day was exciting. I just lived a very exciting life.” She was in the Air Force for 2 months, has been married twice, raised three kids--mostly by herself--and started her own business when she was 51, only retiring after falling ill and having a heart bypass surgery.

To me, Maxine represents something that we all try to achieve. She has found a small measure of peace in her life. She's experienced the highs and the lows, yet she can only smile and be thankful for what she has experienced.

In my project I want to show that even though her health is deteriorating and her mind and memory not as sharp as they used to be, she is still an incredibly strong person, one that we could all learn from. I want to follow Maxine, from taking a trip to the store with her son, Andy, to her Bridge games, and hopefully (after some time and clearance), to her doctor appointments.

1 comment:

  1. This is good, Sean. I like this part, "...incredibly strong person, one that we could all learn from." How about focusing your efforts there?
